Tips for Beating Hayfever
These simple tips will help you beat hayfever symptoms during hayfever-prone times of the year.
Tips for Beating Hayfever
Do you welcome spring season every year with a runny nose and itching eyes? It is quite possible that you have been suffering from hayfever all these years. Hayfever or allergic rhinitis is becoming more common around spring time every year, because most people are unaware of the ways to beat it. There are a number of over the counter hayfever remedies that can provide instant relief from the allergic reactions. It is recommended that you try natural hay fever remedies as well, because it can help manage the symptoms more effectively for the long term. You can put up an excellent resistance to allergens by following a daily diet that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Here are more tips for helping you avoid continuous bouts of hayfever.
Stay away from the allergens
As we all know, prevention is better than cure. Avoid going out at noon, when the pollen count is at its peak and reschedule your travels accordingly. Wear a mask while cleaning your home, so that you may prevent the pollens and dust mites from entering your system. Avoid drying clothes on outdoor laundry lines when the pollen count is high, because clothes are good collectors of pollen, and you will end up letting them enter your home.
Keep the allergens away
Even if you stay indoors on high pollen days, you cannot guarantee complete safety, unless you take the necessary steps to keep the allergens away from your home. It is recommended that you keep the windows closed, and turn on the air conditioner when the pollen count is high. Use a damp cloth to dust the floors and shelves at your home regularly to prevent the growth of dust mites and other allergenic parasites that can make hay fever even worse. The hair on your body also collects a lot of pollen and other allergens when you are outside. Bathe regularly and shampoo your hair after being outdoors to keep it free from dust and pollens.
Consider alternatives to dairy products
If you are prone to hayfever, some doctors suggest avoiding dairy products, because dairy encourages the production of mucus in the respiratory tracts. The increase in the amount of mucus can complicate allergic reactions that take place when your body releases histamine in response to the presence of allergens. It can lead to wheezing, coughing, and sometimes makes asthma symptoms worse. If you like having a little milk with tea, you can substitute cow's milk with alternatives like almond, soy or coconut milk.
Have foods containing natural anti-histamines and other anti-inflammatory enzymes
Make fruits rich in Vitamin C a part of your daily diet. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory compound, which can help in controlling the allergic symptoms. Fruits like kiwis, lemon and orange are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that can strengthen your immune system and prevent infections. Pineapple is rich in an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain that helps in reducing the mucus and easing nasal congestion. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-allergenic qualities. Use a little turmeric in your daily diet to improve allergy tolerance of your body.
There are many over the counter antihistamine medications for hayfever. You can have a single cetirizine hydrochloride tablet a day to cure the symptoms of hayfever. Benadryl allergy relief capsules can help in relieving the symptoms of allergies in just 15 minutes. Benadryl for children is the best choice of medication for treating your child's allergy symptoms, especially when your child refuses to have tablets. You can also try using nasal filters like Respira to block pollen and other allergens before they enter the nasal cavity.