How to stop Snoring: Relief and Remedies
Why do I snore and what can be done about it?
How to stop Snoring: Relief and Remedies
The loud and rattling sounds you make while sleeping not only keep your partner awake, but also affects your health adversely. Snoring can cause sleep disorders and lower your oxygen intake resulting in fatigue, sleepiness, and concentration problems during the day. Snoring happens when the airway is narrowed, and the airflow is obstructed by the loose tissues in the throat.
Snoring is the most common among adults in their late thirties and above, but children can be affected as well. There are many reasons behind this affliction. Obesity, smoking, and alcohol are known to contribute to the snoring problems in adults. In some cases, even the sleeping posture of the individual can cause obstructions in the airway and lead to snoring.
What can I do to manage my snoring?
As a first step, you should start sleeping on your side with a soft pillow under your head to help keep the airways open. Sleeping on your side prevents your tongue and other loose tissues from obstructing the airway. It is recommended that you use a full-body sized pillow to support your entire body to prevent turning over and sleeping on your back.
It is also important to adjust your attitude towards your snoring problem. Your partner may react aggressively when your snoring keeps him or her awake. Try not to take it too personally, because your condition may be due to a structural flaw, and is most likely not your fault. Only a healthy and positive mind can take the initiative to explore the different ways to manage this problem. In some cases, poorly toned muscles and excessive fat tissues in the throat produce the rattling sound of snoring. If your snoring problems are because of excessive weight gain, consider enrolling yourself in a weight loss programme to get rid of the extra pounds and strengthen your muscle mass.
Practical things you can do to lessen snoring tendencies
Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol can also be the reason behind your snoring problem. Avoid drinking before going to bed for a peaceful sleep free from snoring. Smoking can damage your lung capacity and loosen the muscles in your throat, and cause sleep apnea, which is life threatening. Quitting smoking may even cure your snoring altogether.
Nasal cavity can also play a part in narrowing the airway. Use a nasal spray to clear the nasal passages before going to bed. If you have nasal allergies, consult your doctor about taking an antihistamine tablet before going to sleep, so that your airways may remain unobstructed throughout your sleep.
Have a regular sleeping pattern, and try to get the full eight hour rest every night. Sleep is very important to keep your mind fresh and functioning. Irregular sleep patterns are found to be a major contributor to the snoring problem. Avoid having coffee before going to bed, as it can affect your sleep and end up disturbing your sleeping pattern.
Regular throat exercises can strengthen the throat muscles and help in controlling or reducing your snoring to a great extent. Activities like singing, playing a mouth organ, and blowing up a balloon actually serve as excellent throat exercises to improve snoring problems. Say tongue twisters to strengthen your tongue and improve your control over your throat muscles.
Remedies you can try
There are a wide range of over-the-counter snoring remedies. Use an anti-snoring spray like Nytol for immediate freedom from the snoring problem. You can also go for herbal snoring remedies like Rhynil Spray, which is made from a natural herb for a quicker and lasting relief. There are other remedies like nasal strips, jaw repositioning device, and in some special cases, surgery to correct structural problems in the nasal cavity. CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, a machine that blows a continuous flow of air through the nostrils, is another proven method to keep your air passages open during sleep.