Can't Stop Sneezing? Try these Allergy Solutions!
Sneezing is usually the result of an allergic reaction. Read our tips to find out how you can minimise it.
Can't Stop Sneezing? Try these Allergy Solutions!
Sneezing is a symptom of an allergic reaction in the upper respiratory tract or nasal cavity. The presence of an allergen makes the cells lining the respiratory tracts release a chemical compound called histamine that acts on the lung tissues and makes you sneeze. This is a perfectly natural reaction of the human body to get rid of unwanted or harmful particles from the respiratory system. When your body reacts this way even to the commonly found harmless particles in the air, it can become very uncomfortable. However, sneezing allergies are quite manageable with the help of the following allergy solutions.
Identify the allergens
To begin with, you should identify the cause of the allergic reaction. It is probably in the air you breathe. If you are living in an area rich in vegetation, it can be the pollen that is causing sneezing allergies. Once you find out what is causing the allergic reactions, you take the necessary remedies accordingly. If you are unable to identify the allergens, you can seek the help of an allergist, who can find out what you are allergic to by performing different tests.
Keep your home dust free
Dust is one of the most common causes of sneezing allergies. A tiny spot of dust contains a number allergens and parasites that can cause sneezing. Dust can enter one's home through the windows and from one's footwear. Dust also contains dead skin cells, which provides nourishment to parasites and insects like dust-mites. These can enter your respiratory tract and cause allergic reactions. Hence, it is recommended that you keep your home as dust-free as possible at all times. Use a vacuum cleaner with a good, efficient filtering system to remove dust effectively. Mop the floor with a damp cloth regularly and keep shelves and countertops dusted.
Do not keep damp or dirty laundry in your bedroom
Dirty laundry and damp clothes are collectors of allergens and dust mites in the air. When you keep dirty laundry in your bedroom, you are inadvertently giving parasites a safe habitat to breed in. As the moisture from these clothes reaches your lungs through the air you breathe, it also brings with it a lot of allergens and other pathogens that can cause sneezing. Keep damp clothes and dirty laundry outside your bedroom and living room, and in the dirty laundry basket where they can get washed later.
Close your windows and use air conditioner more often
This is especially important when it's pollen season or if you live close to the road. If you are living in a locality with high levels of pollution, consider keeping your windows closed to prevent dust and pollen from entering your home. Use an air conditioner to keep your bedroom cool and dry. A dehumidifier can also help in keeping the air dry to prevent growth of allergenic parasites and mould that can cause sneezing allergies.
Invest in an Air Purifier
An air purifier works to remove irritants like pollen from the air in your home. Even after vacuuming and dusting a room, dust particles are left in the air just waiting to make you sneeze. Choosing an air purifier that has both a Carbon Filter and a HEPA Filter will give you the best results.
If you notice your allergic reactions becoming worse, you may want to consider getting treatment. The first step in treating the sneezing problem is avoiding the allergens that are causing it; but, if you've tried all possible options and still don't have much luck, you can ask a medical practitioner or pharmacist for advice on managing the allergy. Sneezing allergies can be easily treated using over the counter antihistamines that are available at the pharmacy. Allergy shots or immunotherapy by a licensed allergist may also be an effective way to lessen the symptoms of sneezing allergies.