Nasal allergy symptoms you shouldn't ignore
What are your nasal allergy symptoms trying to tell you?
Nasal Allergy Symptoms you Shouldn't Ignore
Nasal allergies symptoms can be quite bothersome, and may even affect an individual's day to day routines. There are times, however, when these symptoms may arise as the result of an infection or injury. There are several symptoms of nasal allergy, but you cannot always be certain about their causes. For example, a runny nose can sometimes be caused due to fluid leak from a broken bone in the nasal cavity, and in such cases, you would need to approach an ENT specialist immediately for medical advice. By ignoring a symptom, you may end up worsening the condition, especially when it is due to injury.
Here are a few nasal allergy symptoms you should not ignore:
Blocked Nose
Symptoms like blocked nose and watery eyes, if caused by infection, will usually go away once you treat it with antibiotics; but sometimes, a blocked nose may also be caused by a deviated septum that partially narrows one of the nostrils. If you show no signs of infection or injury, but still suffer from the nasal allergy symptoms, it is most probably an allergic reaction to some foreign body in the nasal cavity. A nasal spray, like Otrivine, can come in handy if you suffer frequently from nasal allergies. However, if you are allergic to nasal sprays, you should stop using it immediately and ask your physician for advice on a different anti-allergy medication that would be more suitable for you.
Sneezing occurs as a result of the release of histamine when an allergen enters the nasal cavity. Sneezing is our immune system's natural way of eliminating unwanted particles from our respiratory tracts. If the sneezing is due to some infection, you should cover your mouth when you sneeze, in order to prevent spreading the pathogens. If you are suffering from incessant sneezing, but have no infection, your body is probably just reacting to allergenic particles in the pulmonary tracts.
Watery Eyes
Watery eyes are also a symptom connected to nasal allergies, and it occurs in response to the same reason that makes you sneeze: the release of histamine. The nasal cavity, sinus and the tear glands work together in defending the respiratory system from foreign bodies.
You can try soothing your eyes using cold compress for some relief from the symptoms. Antihistamine eye drops can help you neutralize any allergen in the eyes and prevent the watering. If this symptom occurs along with other nasal allergies, you can use a nasal spray like beconase allergy nasal spray. Watering in the eyes will subside along with the other symptoms of nasal allergies.
Post-nasal Drip Syndrome
The thin mucous layer that lines the nasal cavity moistens the tissues and traps harmful pathogens and foreign bodies. This mucus drips down the back of the throat and you swallow it without even knowing it. When the mucus becomes thicker due to some allergic reaction, you can feel it from behind your nose. This can cause some irritation in the throat. This symptom is called post-nasal drip syndrome. Drink lots of water to thin the mucus and use a saline nasal spray for immediate relief.
Sinus Infection (Sinusitis)
A runny nose along with pressure or pain behind your nose near the forehead is a sign of sinus infection. You can relieve the pain by placing a warm and moist cloth on your forehead and inhaling steam. Alternatively, you can also use saline nasal spray to clear the infectious pus from the sinus and relieve the pain. Due to the proximity of sinus to the frontal lobe of the brain, it is advisable that you treat it at the earliest.