Tips for Soothing Cranky Babies
Use these tried and true methods for calming your little one on his difficult days.
Tips for Soothing Cranky Babies
Like adults, babies too have good and bad days. Some days are diamonds, and others are...well, a puddle of tears. While babies do cry to communicate with mum and the important people in their life, there are times when they will cry excessively and be just a bit harder to please.
It's not always easy to know the source of your little one's tears. Babies that cry more than 3 hours in a day are said to have colic, but the exact source can range from tummy troubles, to sensitivity to light and sound, and even the baby's own nature. Regardless of the reason for your baby having a bad case of the grumpies , knowing how to soothe a weepy baby can be of great value. Here are some tried and true tips for soothing cranky babies.
While the same ones may not work every time, this should give you idea of where to start.
Soothing sounds
Noise and loud sounds can upset babies who thrive on peace and quiet. Remember, when it comes to little ones, soothing sounds create a calming effect. While in your womb, your baby gets acquainted with only a fraction of the noisy world around him. When a baby is especially cranky, holding him close can help to comfort him because he can hear the sound of your heartbeat, which is proven to be calming. Babies also respond to soft, musical notes. Singing a gentle lullaby, humming a sleepy note, or playing relaxing classical music in the background can help your baby relax.
Comfort and closeness
A baby spends the first 9 months of his life in the comfort of the womb. At times all your little one needs to calm down is a similar feeling of comfort. Wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket, gently patting his back in a heartbeat-like pattern, or holding him close while you walk around can help to calm your little one. These can also help create a feeling of comfort and closeness:
- Swaddling
- Laying your baby on his side to relieve stomach gases
- The shhh sound
- Swinging
- Sucking a pacifier or nursing
In some cases, a warm bath might just do the trick.
Mellow motions
Mellow motions and rhythmic movements have fuss-busting benefits. When your baby is fussy, try holding him and gently rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, hammock, swing, or even just rocking him back and forth in your arms. Taking baby for a walk around the nearby park in his stroller, or for a slow drive can work wonders for helping your little one calm down and relax. Remember, though, that when you are taking baby for a drive, always make sure he is safely strapped into his baby-safety car seat.
Gripe water
As most expert mums will agree, gripe water comes in handy when you need a quick fix for colic remedies. The homemade version used to be made with dil, baking soda, and alcohol, but modern versions without alcohol are more advisable. Gripe water and other colic remedies can be found at your local chemist or at our online mother and baby section here at Chemist Direct. These will help to settle your little ones stomach and relax cramping muscles.
Remember, before using any new products for your baby, ask your doctor. If in doubt about any products, or ingredients used therein, it's always a safer bet to ask for advice from your paediatrician.