How to Treat Your Child's Cough and Cold
Learn how to treat your child's cough and cold
How to Treat Your Child's Cough and Cold
Caring for a sick child is not much fun. Among other things, they can be more cranky, more clingy and less likely to eat foods they usually eat. Getting sick is inevitable, but staying that way is optional. If your child is sick with a cough, cold or fever, here are some remedies - both those you will find in your kitchen and those you can shop for online.
Sleep: The healer
Rest is a natural healer. It can soothe, heal and rejuvenate your body. If your child is suffering from sickness, sleep is one of the best remedies for them.
Honey: The soother
If your child suffers from a cough or cold, a teaspoon of honey is a great throat soother for their irritated throat. If your child doesn't like eating honey plain, try mixing it in a little warm water with a squeeze of lemon, or spreading it on toast. Honey is great in a warm tea, in a smoothie or drizzled over pancakes or yogurt.
Lemon: The citrus-flush
Lemon is rich in Vitamin C which can aid the body in fighting sickness and fortifying it against immune system deficiencies. Try giving your child a small squeeze of lemon in warm water first thing in the morning. Add a little honey so the drink is not too tart for delicate taste buds. This will help to cleanse their body of toxins and help top up their levels of Vitamin C to fight the cough and cold.
Ginger: The wonder spice
It is not just grandma's remedy of choice. Ginger has been used through the ages for settling the stomach when you are feeling nauseous, relieving cramps and alleviating the congestion a cough and cold brings. Grated and strained, fresh ginger juice goes well in a warm lemon and honey drink.
Garlic: The eradicator
A little raw garlic can work wonders, not just when your child is sick, but to prevent their sickness as well. Your child may find it hard to eat raw garlic on its own as children have very sensitive taste buds and garlic is strong even by an adult's taste bud standards. Try finely mincing the garlic and sprinkling it on warm buttered toast, or in a little yogurt.
When medicine is required
Your child may require medication such as Nurofen (which comes in flavors such as orange and strawberry to make it easier for children to take), Paracetamol, Calpol or Lemsip to help remedy their coughs and colds. If you are unsure about cold or cough medicine for babies, it is best to consult your doctor and get their advice.
In closing, there is no one size fits all. You alone will know if your child is allergic to any of these foods or medicines. If you are giving them a food or medicine for the first time, be sure to watch them and take note of any allergic reactions that may develop.