Menopause Supplements

This category provides you with Menopause Supplements that help tackle symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. It includes tried and tested homeopathic treatments and dietary supplements that keep your body balanced and strengthened during this changing time.

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  • Promensil Post Menopause Aftercare Promensil Post Menopause Aftercare 30 Tablets

    Promensil Post Menopause Tablets are a natural red clover isoflavones for women after menopause. 3-in-1 formula for Post Menopause wellbeing, bones and heart health. Promensil Post Menopause is specifically formulated with isoflavones and added calcium and vitamin D3 to help support post-menopausal wellbeing, heart and bone health. Promensil is the most extensively studied menopause supplement. Before menopause, naturally occurring oestrogen in the body provides a protective effect on our bone density and heart health.

    2 reviews In Stock
  • Pharma Nord Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil Pharma Nord Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil 60 Capsules

    Pharma Nord Omega 7 is derived from the Sea buckthorn berry. Sea buckthorn is naturally found in Asia and Europe. Since ancient Tibetans and Mongolians started to use sea buckthorn more than one thousand years ago, application of the berries as medicinal ingredients has developed. Its antioxidant basis helps create healthy and strong mucous membrane system which is important for the general health and well being of the whole body.

    11 reviews In Stock
  • Promensil Original Strength Maintenance Promensil Original Strength Maintenance 30 Tablets

    Promensil Original Strength Tablets are for women during and after the menopause. Promensil is a dietary supplement, made from red clover isoflavones, and has been shown to help maintain general well-being, may help maintain bone health, and may help maintain cholesterol health.

    2 reviews In Stock

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