Shaving & Hair Removal

Effective solutions for unwanted hair is what you'll find here. Whether your preferred method is shaving, waxing or you just want hairs to appear lighter, we've got a product to suit. From shaving cream to razors and hair removal cream to aftershave, have a look at our range of hair removal products to find what you need. And remember: if you buy in bulk you get an even better price!

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  • Old Spice Original Aftershave Lotion Old Spice Original Aftershave Lotion 150ml

    Old Spice Original Aftershaves distinctive fragrance is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. It has been around for generations. If your grandfather hadnt worn it, you wouldnt exist. Neither would velvet paintings, the chili dog and sheepskin rugs -- manly things that were made by men who smelled strong and splashed Old Spice on their faces before doing other manly stuff during their day!

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