Top Tips to Stay Motivated
In this article we’ll look at some top tips to stay motivated on your journey to reaching your goals.
Staying Motivated to Reach Your Goals
While on your journey to reaching your goals, you might meet some bumps on the way. This is normal, and how you deal with setbacks will make or break your success story! In our article below, we’ll look at some top tips to stay motivated on your journey.
Remind yourself of your goals
By now you’re probably familiar with what you’re aiming for, but when was the last time you took time to think about why you want it?
Whatever your goal it, take time to regularly review your progress and remind yourself why you want to reach it. Look at how far you’ve come, not how far you’ve got to go.
Make weekly checkpoints
A great way to keep track of your progress is by setting small, weekly goals you want to reach.
If you’re reaching or excelling your goals, you will be motivated and happy that you are getting there. On the other hand, if you are falling behind your goals, you might need to get bac k on track, or reassess your goals slightly.
Reward yourself
When you reach a checkpoint, you should reward your achievement! You’ve done great to get this far, and you deserve it. Whatever rewards work to keep you motivated, remember not to undo your hard work with your reward.
Take a break
No matter how determined you are, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. If you feel yourself falling off the wagon, taking a scheduled break may help you. This way, you can have a rest with a specified end date, rather than just giving up on your goals.
Be a cheerleader, not a hater
Making lifestyle changes in order to reach goals is tough, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling or falling short. Every journey will have setbacks, but it’s how you deal with those setbacks that determines your success.
If your goal might be harder to reach than you were expecting, don’t be afraid to change what you’re aiming for. Maybe you wanted to lose 2 stone by March, but even when you’re working your hardest you are only predicted to lose 1. This doesn’t mean you’re a failure, just that maybe your expectations were a bit high. Don’t loose faith and give up – carry on working your hardest because any achievement is better than nothing.
Avoid procrastination
Most of us will be familiar with the feeling of sitting to quickly check a message on your phone, only to look up again an hour later and wonder what happened.
If you find yourself getting distracted a lot, pay attention to what’s causing this and try to avoid it.
For example, If you simply can’t ignore a message, even when working out, put your phone on silent somewhere just out of reach.