Eczema Shower Gel and Toiletries

Soothe you eczema symptoms with our shampoos, bath oils and emollients. Stop the itch and calm inflamed areas with trusted brands such as E45, Doublebase and Balneum.

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  • Doublebase Dayleve Gel Doublebase Dayleve Gel 500g | x3 Pack

    Doublebase Dayleve Hydrating Gel 500g is a moisturising and protective hydrating gel for dry or chapped skin conditions which may also be itchy or inflamed with a long lasting formula. 500g x 3

    1 review In Stock
  • E45 Junior Foaming Bath Milk E45 Junior Foaming Bath Milk 500ml | x5 Pack

    E45 Junior Foaming Bath Milk gently and thoroughly cleanses and moisturises children's delicate and sensitive skin, bringing relief from dry, irritated skin.

    1 review In Stock

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