Skin Conditions

No matter which skin condition you suffer from, we've got a product to suit your need. Discover our range of specialist skin care and find effective solutions for psoriasis, eczema, rosacea or acne.

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  • Hc45 Hydrocortisone Cream Hc45 Hydrocortisone Cream 15g

    Hc45 Hydrocortisone Cream effectively treats itchy, irritated or inflamed skin caused by insect bites, mild to moderate eczema and contact or allergic dermatitis. This specially formulated cream has been clinically proven to alter your bodys responses to inflammatory reactions and leave your skin feeling calm and soothed.

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  • Cica-Care Silicone Gel Sheet 12cm x 6cm Cica-Care Silicone Gel Sheet 12cm x 6cm One Sheet

    Cica-Care Silicone Gel Sheet 12cm x 6cm is an advanced product for treating scars by flattening, fading, and softening them. Developed from a silicone, adhesive gel sheet, it is medically proven to be effective in up to 90% of cases.

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  • Dermatix Silicone Gel Dermatix Silicone Gel 15g

    Dermatix Silicone Gel is a transparent, self-drying silicone gel with unique advantages over other silicone formulations. It is effective for the management and prevention of hypertrophic and keloid scars.

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  • Kelo-Cote Silicone Gel Kelo-Cote Silicone Gel 60g

    Kelo-cote Scar Gel is a patented, transparent, self-drying silicone gel which improves the appearance of scars and prevents abnormal or excessive scar formation. Kelo-cote Gel softens and flattens raised scars, reduces redness and relieves itching and discomfort associated with scars. It is recommended by plastic surgeons.

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