Palmer's Face Care

Palmer's Face Care products are specially formulated to be gentle and nourishing. Made with natural ingredients such as their cocoa butter formula and shea, Palmer's creams, lotions and soaps are designed to truly treat your skin. Check out Palmer's Face Care products today.

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  • Palmers Skin Success Deep Cleansing Astringent Palmer's Skin Success Deep Cleansing Astringent 250ml

    Palmer's Skin Success Deep Cleansing Astringent deeply cleanses your skin and tightens pores for a clean, healthy looking complexion. Refreshes, tones and revitalises skin.

    5 reviews In Stock

About Palmer's Face Care

Palmer's collection of face care products are made with natural ingredients such as coconut oil and cocoa butter, which has rejuvenating and nourishing properties to benefit your skin. 

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