Baby & Toddler Milks

Find a formula to best fit your baby’s needs within our range of baby and toddler milks. Choose from lactose-free formula and pre-mixed baby milk for on the go, in addition to specialist milks for hungry babies, babies with allergies, and colicky babies. We stock a variety of infant milk including organic baby milk powder, goat milk, and soya milk for infants and toddlers. Shop trusted brands such as Aptamil, Cow & Gate and HiPP.

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  • Neocate Syneo Infant Supplement Neocate Syneo Infant Supplement 400g
    £8.00 per 100g

    Aptamil Neocate Syneo is an amino acid-based, hypoallergenic formula with additional friendly bacteria. It is prescribed for the dietary management of Cow's Milk Allergy (CMA), Multiple Food Protein Allergies (MFPA) and other conditions that require an Amino Acid-based Formula (AAF).

    In Stock
  • Nutramigen 2 LGG Hypoallergenic Formula Nutramigen 2 LGG Hypoallergenic Formula 400g | x6 Pack

    Nutramigen 2 LGG is an extensively hydrolysed hypoallergenic infant formula with friendly bacteria LGG for the dietary management of cow's milk protein allergy.

    2 reviews In Stock
  • SMA PRO First Infant Milk From Birth Ready To Feed Starter Pack SMA PRO First Infant Milk From Birth Ready To Feed Starter… 70ml x 6
    £2.14 per 100ml

    SMA PRO First Infant Milk Starter Pack contains 6 bottles of SMA PRO First Infant Milk Ready to Drink and 6 SMA NUK Pre-sterilised Orthodontic Teats. SMA PRO First Infant Milk is a nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute.

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  • Aptamil 2 Follow On Baby Milk Formula Powder 6-12 Months Aptamil 2 Follow On Baby Milk Formula Powder 6-12 Months 800g | x3 Pack

    Aptamil 2 Follow On Baby Milk Formula is tailored to completment a weaning diet. A patented next generation formulation including Pronutra-Advance. Contains 3 x 800g Aptamil Follow On Milk Powder

    3 reviews Limited Stock
  • SMA Lactose Free Infant Milk SMA Lactose Free Infant Milk 400g | x6 Pack
    £2.38 per 100g

    SMA Lactose Free Milk is a nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute for the dietary management of lactose intolerance. Enriched with Omega 3. Multipack contains 6 x 400g tubs of milk powder.

    In Stock
  • SMA PRO First Infant Milk From Birth SMA PRO First Infant Milk From Birth 400g | x3 Pack
    £1.90 per 100g

    SMA Pro First Infant Milk is a nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute enriched with Omega 3 (DHA). For combination or bottle fed babies from birth to 12 months. Multipack contains 3 x 400g tubs of milk powder.

    In Stock

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