Nasal Congestion Relief

  • Neilmed Sinus Rinse Neilmed Sinus Rinse 120 Sachets

    Neilmed Sinus Rinse gives you 120 premixed sachets to use with a NeilMed rinse, neti pot, or sinugator. Neilmed rinses are effective for nasal allergies, dryness, and hayfever. They are free of preservatives, pH natural, and do not cause burning.

    41 reviews In Stock

There are many reasons for nasal congestion and a variety of solutions to dealing with both blockages and sinus problems. Health care aids for nasal congestion relief includes micro sprays, mists, oils, vapour rubs and sinus saline rinse kits that clean out excess mucus from colds or allergies that can lead to chronic coughs and sniffles. Breathe easy without nasal congestion throughout the day and night!

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