Joint & Muscle Pain Relief

  • Thermacare Back Heatwraps Thermacare Back Heatwraps 2 Wraps | x4 Pack

    Thermacare Back Heatwraps, a drug-free, single use, self-heating wrap is an innovation in self pain management and is the only heatwrap therapy proven to effectively relieve muscular pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders. Up to 16 hours pain relief. Contains 4 packs of 2 wraps (8 Heatwraps)

    17 reviews Out of stock

Add these joint and muscle pain relief products to your first aid kit. Keep your kit stocked at all times with essentials like pain relief, bandages, antiseptics, and insect spray. Here at Chemist Direct you can stock up on joint and muscle pain relief from brands like Algesal, Cura-Heat, Aloe Pura, and more.

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