Snufflebabe Baby & Child Health

We understand that there's nothing more terrifying for a new parent than an ill baby. That's why we stock baby medicines to treat a wide range of ailments, such as cradle cap and baby colic drops. We have gripe water to soothe trapped wind, teething gel for those baby teeth and baby cough medicine to offer some relief from coughs and colds.

Are you unsure which baby medication is right for your child? Check out our guide to baby medication. Learn about which infant medicines are best for treating which illnesses and provide your child relief.

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  • Snufflebabe Vapour Rub Snufflebabe Vapour Rub 35g

    Snufflebabe Vapour Rub is an inhalation vapour ointment to help relieve congestion and help your child breathe easier. It is suitable for babies as young as three months.

    0 reviews Limited Stock
  • Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator

    Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator helps to clear your baby's nose and provide relief from congestion, allowing your little one to breather clearly. Includes 2 protective re-usable filters.

    0 reviews In Stock

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