Slimming Tablets and Capsules

Give an extra boost to your diet and regular exercise regime with these Slimming aids. Our selection of slimming tablets are proven to bind fat, reduce calorie intake, keep you full for longer, and increase your energy and endurance during workout sessions.

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  • alli Capsules 60mg25% off alli Capsules 60mg 84 Capsules

    alli is indicated for weight loss in adults who are overweight (body mass index, BMI, 28 kg/m2) and should be taken in conjunction with a mildly hypocaloric, lower-fat diet. We cannot supply this item to anyone with a BMI of under 28. EXPIRES JANUARY 2023

    145 reviews In Stock
  • alli Capsules 60mg alli Capsules 60mg 84 Capsules | x2 Pack

    alli is indicated for weight loss in adults who are overweight (body mass index, BMI, 28 kg/m2) and should be taken in conjunction with a mildly hypocaloric, lower-fat diet. We cannot supply this item to anyone with a BMI of under 28. EXPIRES JANUARY 2023

    40 reviews In Stock

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