Nicotine Sprays and Inhalators

This category provides you with easy on-the-go nicotine spray and nicotine inhalators that give you instant relief from cravings and help you resist the urge to smoke. Available in a variety of sizes, strengths, and quantities, nicotine inhalators are proven to double your chances of quitting. We also stock a range of other stop smoking aids such as nicotine patches and nicotine lozenges from leading brands like Nicorette to help you on your journey to stop smoking.

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  • Nicorette QuickMist Freshmint 1mg Mouthspray Nicorette QuickMist Freshmint 1mg Mouthspray 2 Sprays | x3 Pack

    Nicorette QuickMist Freshmint 1mg Mouthspray Duo Triple Pack gives you a trio-kit of freshmint mouth sprays that help you gain control over withdrawal symptoms and stay confident in your attempt to quit. These sprays are 150% more effective than willpower alone and the effects kick in within 60 seconds.

    6 reviews In Stock

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