Stop Smoking

Double your chances of stopping smoking with products from our Stop Smoking category including nicotine gum, lozenges, tablets, inhalators, sprays, and patches. We provide you with proven smoking aids that can help manage nicotine craving and increase the chances of successfully quitting.

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  • Nicorette 15mg Inhalator Nicorette 15mg Inhalator 36 Cartridges

    Choose Nicorette Inhalator 15mg for a flexible, convenient, and safer alternative to smoking. Nicorette Inhalator gives you mouth to hand action, without any of the toxins you get from a real cigarette. 36 cartridges per pack.

    86 reviews In Stock
  • Nicorette Invisi Step 1 25mg Nicorette Invisi Step 1 25mg 7 Patches | x3 Pack

    The Nicorette Invisipatch is a discreet, easy-to-use, once-a-day solution to help you deal with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking. Multipack 7s x 3 packs.

    0 reviews In Stock

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