Stop Smoking

Double your chances of stopping smoking with products from our Stop Smoking category including nicotine gum, lozenges, tablets, inhalators, sprays, and patches. We provide you with proven smoking aids that can help manage nicotine craving and increase the chances of successfully quitting.

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  • NiQuitin Clear 21mg Patches Step One33% off NiQuitin Clear 21mg Patches Step One 7 Pack

    NiQuitin Clear 21mg Step One can help you stop smoking. When you apply the patch, nicotine passes through your skin and into the body, replacing the nicotine you would normally get from smoking.

    3 reviews In Stock
  • Nicorette Inhalator 15mg Nicorette Inhalator 15mg 4 Pack

    Choose Nicorette Inhalator 15mg for a flexible, convenient, and safer alternative to smoking. Nicorette Inhalator gives you mouth to hand action, without any of the toxins you get from a real cigarette.

    73 reviews Limited Stock
  • NiQuitin Mint Lozenge 2mg NiQuitin Mint Lozenge 2mg 72 Pack

    Cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke or quit smoking altogether with NiQuitin Mint Lozenges. These mint flavour lozenges contain 2mg of nicotine and are suitable for those who smoke more than 30 minutes after waking.

    0 reviews In Stock
  • Niquitin Patches 14mg Step Two33% off Niquitin Patches 14mg Step Two 7 Pack

    NiQuitin Patch Step 2 help to relieve and/or prevent cravings and nicotine withdrawal for 24 hours. These patches are step 2 of a 3 step programme to help you to cut down on smoking or stop for short periods.

    0 reviews Limited Stock
  • Nicorette Lozenge Fruit 2mg Nicorette Lozenge Fruit 2mg 40 Pack

    Nicorette Lozenge Fruit 2Mg have been designed to calm cravings in 9 out of 10 smokers to make quitting less of a stress with Nicorette Tutti Frutti Lozenge.

    0 reviews In Stock
  • Nicorette Lozenge Mint 2Mg Nicorette Lozenge Mint 2Mg 40 Pack

    Nicorette Mint Lozenges (2 mg) are designed to alleviate cravings in 9 out of 10 smokers, making the quitting process less stressful.

    0 reviews In Stock

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