Male Enhancement Products

If you’re looking for ways to add a little extra spark to your intimate moments, our category of Male Enhancement Products provides you with a complete range of supplements, gels, and pleasure enhancing tablets specially formulated for heightened pleasure and performance. These tried and proven products work to raise your sex drive to healthy levels, making sex all the more pleasureable.

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  • Eroxon Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Gel Eroxon Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Gel 4 Single Dose Tubes

    Eroxon® Stimgel is an accessible treatment to all men that helps them take back control of their erections. It is effective, fast, easy to use, has an excellent safety profile and is available without prescription.

    5 reviews In Stock
  • Stud 100 Desensitizing Spray For Men Stud 100 Desensitizing Spray For Men 12g

    Stud 100 Desensitizing Spray For Men also known as Premjact, makes sex last longer by prolonging the time it takes the man to ejaculate, or reach orgasm.

    42 reviews In Stock
  • Lovehoney Health Depth Reduction Penis Bumper Set Lovehoney Health Depth Reduction Penis Bumper Set 3 Piece

    Lovehoney Health is a range of body-safe sexual health accessories that can empower you to take control of your own sexual health and happiness.

    0 reviews In Stock

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