Sexual Health and Pleasure

From condoms in all sizes, flavours and textures to intimate lubricants, aphrodisiac tablets libido enhancers: our sexual health section has got you covered. There's also a wide range of treatments, including premature ejaculation aids and male enhancement pills as well as general sexual health products such as Lubricants

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  • Cialis Together 10mg Tablets - Tadalafil Cialis Together 10mg Tablets - Tadalafil 8 Tablets

    Cialis Together tablets are a treatment for adult men who have erection problems (erectile dysfunction).

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  • Cialis Together 10mg Tablets - Tadalafil Cialis Together 10mg Tablets - Tadalafil 4 Tablets

    Cialis Together tablets are a treatment for adult men who have erection problems (erectile dysfunction).

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  • Eroxon Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Gel Eroxon Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Gel 4 Single Dose Tubes

    Eroxon® Stimgel is an accessible treatment to all men that helps them take back control of their erections. It is effective, fast, easy to use, has an excellent safety profile and is available without prescription.

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  • LoviOne 1.5mcg Tablet - Levonorgestrel LoviOne 1.5mcg Tablet - Levonorgestrel 1 Tablet

    LoviOne is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your usual contraceptive method has failed.

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