Eyelid Hygiene Products

Steer clear of problems with sticky eyes or other eye irritations and infections, by using these handy products specially chosen for Eyelid Hygiene. Products in this category provide a hygienic, sterile method for keeping your eyes clean and preventing any unwanted irritations and infections.

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  • Optrex Infected Eyes Eye Drops Optrex Infected Eyes Eye Drops 10ml

    Optrex Infected Eye Drops contain an antibiotic called chloramphenicol. It is used to treat bacterial infections that affect the front surfaces of the eye.

    193 reviews In Stock
  • The Eye Doctor Biodegradable Eyelid Wipes The Eye Doctor Biodegradable Eyelid Wipes 20 Pack

    The Eye Doctor® Eyelid Wipes are 100% biodegradable and are pre-soaked with a sterile, preservative-free saline solution to create an efficient, gentle remedy for daily eyelid hygiene.

    2 reviews In Stock
  • The Eye Doctor Biodegradable Tea Tree Eyelid Wipes The Eye Doctor Biodegradable Tea Tree Eyelid Wipes 20 Pack

    The Eye Doctor Tea Tree Oil Lid Wipes are 100% Biodegradable and consist of a unique and effective formula suitable for Blepharitis, Dry Eye Disease, MGD & Demodex.

    2 reviews In Stock

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