Adult’s Digestion Supplements

To keep your body conditioned and running at its best, this category provides you with Adult’s Digestion Supplements. Here you will find essentials like probiotics, ginger extracts, and aloe juice - all proven to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

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  • HealthAid Acidophilus Probiotic with FOS HealthAid Acidophilus Probiotic with FOS 60 Capsules

    HealthAid Acidophilus Probiotic with FOS Capsules are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, help supplement the diet and increase the friendly bacteria (Acidophilus lactobacillus and bifidus) by giving a healthy flora to assist digestion and general well-being.

    8 reviews In Stock
  • Bioglan Biotic Balance Dark Choc Balls33% off Bioglan Biotic Balance Dark Choc Balls 75g (30 Balls)

    Bioglan Biotic Balance ChocBalls contain 3 billion live bacteria per ball plus are a great source of fibre. Each ball has less than 14 calories and are coated in premium dark chocolate making them enjoyable for the whole family.

    0 reviews In Stock
  • Together Health Multibiotic20% off Together Health Multibiotic 30 Capsules

    Together Health’s microbiome support product provides a host of digestive health benefits.

    0 reviews Limited Stock

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