Five Great Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
These top five tips will help you to lower your blood pressure effectively.
Five Great Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of serious heart diseases such as heart attack and stroke, as well as other medical conditions such as kidney failure or aneurysms. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you effectively manage your blood pressure to lower the chances of any fatal diseases. Small but important changes in your lifestyle can yield big benefits in the long term.
Follow these top five tips to lower your blood pressure.
1) Salt intake
Cutting down on the salt might help you to bring your blood pressure levels down. Sodium is extremely harmful if you are experiencing high blood pressure, and have a family history of blood pressure. Try to put less salt in your food to decrease the risk. When shopping for food, read the labels and try to find food with lower-sodium content. Processed or packaged food contain the most amounts of sodium; instead, prepare fresh homemade foods where you can control your salt content. While cooking your food, adding salt at the end of the process will lessen the need of it in your dish.
2) Healthy diet
One of the most important ways to lower blood pressure is to follow a healthy diet. You can make positive changes in your diet by incorporating the following changes:
- Eat more fruits, vegetable and low-fat dairy foods such as cottage cheese
- Cut back the consumption of sweets, sodium, red meat, sugary drinks such as aerated colas.
- Limit foods that are high in trans fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol.
- Try to increase consumption of whole grains, oily fish, nuts, and poultry.
- Change your eating habits by eating unsalted nuts, low-fat yogurt, raw vegetables, and unsalted plain popcorn.
3) Lose weight
Excess weight can be a primary reason for high blood pressure levels. With positive changes in your lifestyle, you can bring down your weight and control your ailment effectively. Exercise regularly for at least half an hour every day to support your weight loss. Power walking, jogging, swimming, or aerobics can be beneficial. By making little changes in your daily routine, you can contribute greatly towards managing your weight. For example, taking stairs instead of the elevator, or walking or cycling to your office can help to lose weight. If you work for a long number of hours on your desk, take a stroll around your office every few hours. Eating healthy food will also help you to lose your weight and lower your blood pressure.
4) De-stress your mind
Hypertension is stated to cause an undue rise in your blood pressure. Try to indulge in relaxing activities such as meditation or yoga, to relax your mind. Doing activities that you like will also help you to keep your mind happy and peaceful. Listening to classical music is stated to be extremely beneficial. You can also read, enjoy long walks, and spend quality time with your loved ones to unwind. Getting a good night's sleep is also very crucial for a healthy mind.
5) Take a supplement
Taking blood pressure supplements will help you to control your blood pressure. Medications formulated especially to manage blood pressure will help you take effective control of your ailment. Bioconcepts Resveratol might help to reduce your blood pressure and reduce your cholesterol. Another medication known as PomeMax Pure High Strength Pomegranate Extract made from the extracts of pomegranate that is known for lowering blood pressure and supporting a healthy heart, might also help in your ailment.
It is advisable that you consult your doctor or medical practitioner before following any treatment or taking any medication.