Revitive Electricals

  • Revitive ProHealth Circulation Booster Revitive ProHealth Circulation Booster

    Effective, drug-free relief for tired, aching legs and feet. Revitive ProHealth is a drug-free registered medical device that uses professional-strength OxyWave Technology to stimulate the muscles in your legs and feet so that they contract and relax.

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  • Revitive Medic Circulation Booster Revitive Medic Circulation Booster

    Revitive Medic Circulation Booster includes our latest OxyWave Technology. Its patented waveforms significantly increase oxygen-rich blood flow to the legs and feet, relieving aches & pains, reducing swelling in feet & ankles and allowing greater pain-free walking.

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  • Revitive Medic Coach Circulation Booster Revitive Medic Coach Circulation Booster

    Revitive Medic Coach is the only Circulation Booster with Personalised Therapy Plans, SmartBoost Technology and our best performing Vigorous Program. The Vigorous Program with patented waveforms is exclusively available on Medic Coach, our best-performing program, which is capable of doubling the circulation in your legs.

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  • Revitive Medic Knee Circulation Booster13% off Revitive Medic Knee Circulation Booster

    Designed for people with Knee Osteoarthritis or following knee surgery. NEW Dual-Action Revitive Medic Knee combines all the benefits of the Foot-pad stimulation, with stimulation through Muscle Strengthening Pads for targeted relief and management of knee pain, swelling and stiffness.

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