Discover the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men
Know what the best hair loss treatments for men are to combat hair loss effectively.
Discover the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men
The average adult has 100,000 strands of hair and usually, most men shed between 50 to 100 hair strands every day as a part of natural re-growth cycle. Hair loss usually begins with thinning of hair, followed by excessive hair loss, and increased visible scalp line. Although it can be caused by poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, prescribed medication, a medical disorder, or severe stress, it has been found that in most of the cases; the cause is hereditary, otherwise known as male-pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia. For a few men, hair loss starts as early as the late teens, while some starts experiencing it in their middle age.
Male-pattern baldness is caused by oversensitive hair follicles. The Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) produced by male hormone testosterone have a shrinking effect on your hair follicles, making them shrink and eventually making them ineffective at growing new hairs. With the passing time, the hair's growing cycle shortens; they become thinner and shorter, and eventually, they stop growing.
Male-pattern baldness usually follows a fixed pattern, where hair loss starts showing the first signs of a diminishing hairline. It follows by a decline of hair growth on the temple and crown. It leaves a distinct shape on the scalp when the hair at the crown of the head starts fading. Many men also experience complete baldness over time.
However, it must be remembered that male-pattern baldness is not a disease, and it does not affect your health. But if it causes you discomfort or distress, you can opt for various hair loss treatments for men, to treat your symptoms and grow your hair back.
Common Hair loss Treatments for men
How you can treat Male Hair Loss with Medication
Certain medications have proved effective in inhibiting any further hair loss and stimulate the growth cycle in producing new hairs. They reinvigorate shrunken hair follicles by increasing their follicular size and help hair to regrow over time. Regaine Foam For Men has been clinically proven to strengthen existing hair and stimulate secondary growth. The active ingredient, Minoxidil, present in this medication help to increase the blood supply and nutrients to the hair follicles, leading to thicker and new hairs. Another medication, Regaine Extra Strength for Men has been particularly designed for men looking for re-growth and curb their diminishing hairline. The regular use of these medicines may help to regrow your hair making them fuller and more visible.
How to Treat Male Hair Loss with a Hair Transplant
Hair transplants are expensive and are carried out over several sessions. It is a complicated procedure and involves experienced hair surgeons to do the treatment. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which individual hair follicles are moved from an area with plenty of hair and grafted on the bald part of the body. Modern hair transplants treatments such as Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) can achieve a natural appearance of hair by mimicking the original nature of hair.
How to Treat Male Hair Loss with Artificial Hair
Artificial hair implantation is carried on to treat male-pattern baldness. Synthetic fibres are implanted on the scalp of the head, to renew hair growth. However, this treatment carries the risk of scarring and infection and gives rise to some complications. Individuals, who do not want to go for a hair transplant treatment, can be benefitted by artificial hair transplant. Artificial hairs can be implanted into a completely bald area or can be mixed among existing hairs.
How to Treat Male Hair Loss with Complementary Treatments
Complementary treatments: Many alternative treatments such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, head massage are often used as hair treatments for men. However, there are no medical records present to state the evidence of the success of these treatments. Individuals, who want to opt for non-invasive treatments can consider using these treatments to try renewing their hair growth.
How to Get Help with Hair Loss with Pharmacy2U's Online Doctor
Pharmacy2U's Online Doctor service allows you to talk with an experienced, qualified doctor when it's convenient for you. They can consult with you on possible prescription hair loss treatments available to you.