Adult's Fever Medicines

  • Beechams Powders for Cold and Flu10% off Beechams Powders for Cold and Flu 20 Sachets

    Tackle the symptoms of cold and flu, with Beechams Powders. Containing Asprin and Caffeine to relieve pain so you can carry on with your day. Beechams - Bossing colds since 1926.

    42 reviews In Stock
  • Beechams All In One Cold and Flu Relief10% off Beechams All In One Cold and Flu Relief 16 Tablets

    Beechams All In One Cold and Flu Relief Tablets provide effective relief from the symptoms of cold and flu. So that your head can feel clear and focused again. Helping you get on with your day.

    7 reviews In Stock
  • Numark Max Strength Cold & Flu Day & Night Numark Max Strength Cold & Flu Day & Night 16 Capsules

    Numark Max Strength Cold & Flu Day & Night Capsules are used for the relief of the symptoms of colds and flu, including aches and pains, sore throat, headache, nasal congestion and feverishness. The Day capsules can also relieve tiredness and drowsiness.

    0 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets 10 Sachets

    Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets offer relief of the symptoms of colds and influenza, including the relief of aches and pains, nasal congestion and the lowering of temperature.

    15 reviews In Stock
  • Beechams Cold & Flu Hot Lemon & Honey10% off Beechams Cold & Flu Hot Lemon & Honey 5 Sachets

    Beechams Cold & Flu Hot Lemon & Honey Sachets help to soothe symptoms of flu in a convenient and soothing Hot Lemon and Honey drink.

    11 reviews In Stock
  • Benylin Cold and Flu Max Strength Benylin Cold and Flu Max Strength 16 Capsules

    Benylin Cold and Flu Max Strength Capsules helps to relieve cold and flu symptoms.

    5 reviews In Stock
  • Galpharm Max Cold & Flu Lemon Galpharm Max Cold & Flu Lemon

    Galpharm Max Cold & Flu Lemon

    0 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets 5 Sachets

    Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets helps ease major symptoms such as a headache, blocked nose, fever, body aches and sore throat. And because its max strength, it can soon help to have you back on track and help you to stay that way.

    3 reviews In Stock

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