Metatone Vitality Supplements

Regain your lost energy after being down with cold or flu. Metatone energy supplement is developed with a liquid formula to give a boost of energy to regain your lost strength. The powerful combination of essential minerals and Vitamin B1 gives you the much-needed boost after your illness.

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  • Metatone Tonic Original Flavour Metatone Tonic Original Flavour 300ml

    Metatone Tonic Original Flavour combines essential vitamins to provide a gentle boost of energy when you are tired or during or after illness.

    13 reviews Out of stock

Metatone Tonic promotes vitality and health after suffering from cold or flu. The combination of essential nutrients makes up for the loss of nutrients, during your illness. The clear red syrup is both appetizing and easy to swallow. Shop Metatone Tonic, here at Chemist Direct.

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