Lemsip Cold and Flu Relief

  • Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets 10 Sachets

    Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets offer relief of the symptoms of colds and influenza, including the relief of aches and pains, nasal congestion and the lowering of temperature.

    15 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Cough For Mucus Cough & Cattarh Lemsip Cough For Mucus Cough & Cattarh 180ml

    Get relief from mucus and cattarh, with a solution from Lemsip.

    16 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max All In One Cold & Flu Lemsip Max All In One Cold & Flu 16 Capsules

    When you need to battle through the symptoms of cold and flu, new Lemsip Max All In One Cold & Flu Capsules can provide relief from all the major symptoms of cold and flu.

    2 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max All In One Lemon Sachets Lemsip Max All In One Lemon Sachets 8 Pack

    Lemsip Max All in One Cold and Flu Lemon sachets is specially formulated to provide symptomatic relief of colds and flu as well as coughs.

    6 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemsip Max Cold & Flu 16 Capsules

    Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Capsules provides relief of colds and flu including aches and pains, nasal congestion and the lowering of temperature.

    12 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemon Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemon 10 Sachets

    Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets provides relief of the symptoms of heavy colds and influenza, including relief of aches and pains, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache and fever.

    27 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets 10 Sachets

    Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets provide fast relief of the symptoms of colds and flu, including aches and pains, nasal congestion and lowering of temperature.

    8 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets 5 Sachets

    Lemsip Max Cold And Flu Blackcurrant Sachets helps ease major symptoms such as a headache, blocked nose, fever, body aches and sore throat. And because its max strength, it can soon help to have you back on track and help you to stay that way.

    3 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Day & Night Cold & Flu Relief Lemsip Max Day & Night Cold & Flu Relief 16 Capsules

    Lemsip Max Day & Night Cold & Flu Relief provides fast and effective relief from cold related symptoms no matter what time of day it is.

    8 reviews In Stock
  • Lemsip Max Honey & Ginger Sachets Lemsip Max Honey & Ginger Sachets 10 Sachets

    Lemsip Max Honey & Ginger Sachets provide fast relief of the symptoms of colds and flu, including aches and pains, nasal congestion and lowering of temperature.

    3 reviews Limited Stock
  • Lemsip First Action Nasal Spray Lemsip First Action Nasal Spray 20ml

    Lemsip First Action forms a shielding layer on the surface of the nasal mucosa and helps trap viruses. It is clinically proven to help shorten the duration of cold and flu-like symptoms by up to 2 days, when used at 1st signs.

    1 review Limited Stock

Tackle your cold and flu symptoms with a little help from Lemsip

Lemsip have a very popular range of products to help with your cold and flu symptoms, from the most popular hot lemon drink for colds, to the pharmacy only high strength flu products. There are also Lemsip products for sore throats, coughs, and sinus. Their original and best-known product is a lemon flavoured hot drink (hence the lem in Lemsip). A new stronger formula, "Lemsip Max" has been added to the range, which is available in tablet form as well as a powder sachet. Also available within the range is the quick and easy Lemsip Tablets and Capsules which can be taken on the go to help soothe coughs and colds as and when they occur.They have grown to be a household name in the UK and now offer a range of related products including Lemsip cold & flu capsules, decongestant nasal sprays and capsules, throat lozenges and cough medicine.

The Lemsip range:
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