Gengigel Gum Treatment

  • Gengigel Mouthrinse Gengigel Mouthrinse 150ml

    Gengigel Mouthrinse provides active protection from gum disease and support for the natural healing of inflamed and damaged tissue in the mouth.

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Use Gengigel gel and mouthwash for Gum Disease

Gengigel is a effective for treating gum disease and mouth ulcers. Gengigel is the first product of its kind in the UK to contain hyaluronan - a natural substance found in the body’s own connective tissue. Hyaluranon is naturally active in tissue regeneration as it influences the migration of connective tissue cells, therefore aiding tissue healing. Research has proven that Gengigel can double the rate of natural healing of damaged tissue in the mouth, increase the blood supply to the gums and reduce inflammation. Gengigel also improves the results of periodontic treatment and one can be used to compliment the other.

Who particularly can benefit from Gengigel?

Women in general– About 70 percent of women 35 and older have some degree of gum disease. Women are more at risk of developing further advanced stages of gum disease because of the many hormonal changes they experience such as puberty, periods, menopause, as well as taking oral contraceptives. Gengigel restores and maintains healthy gums.

Pregnant women – Bleeding, sensitive gums are a common complaint during pregnancy. Higher progesterone levels cause your gums to react more to the bacteria in plaque. Gengigel is safe to use during pregnancy and helps reduce inflammation.

Teenage girls – During puberty, an increased level of sex hormones causes increased blood circulation to the gums. This may cause an increase in the gum's sensitivity and lead to a greater reaction to any irritation, including food particles and plaque. Gengigel helps soothe inflamed and damaged tissue.

Smokers - Smoking may be responsible for more than 50% of all cases of gum disease. Gengigel not only increases the blood supply to the gums but can promote the healing in previously damaged gum tissue.

People who suffer from mouth ulcers – Although no-one really knows what causes mouth ulcers, more often than not they are brought on by stress. Gengigel can be very helpful in managing mouth ulcers. Gengigel actually rejuvenates and repairs mouth tissue soothing the pain and reducing the time it takes to heal.

People with lichen planus – Lichen planus of the mouth most commonly affects the inside of the cheeks, gums and tongue and typically appears as patches of fine white lines and dots. Gengigel can boost oral damaged tissue healing by up to a half, increase blood supply and reduce inflammation.

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