Clinipore Surgical Tape

Clinipore Surgical Tape is ideal for securing wound dressing on sensitive or delicate skin. Made from soft, non-woven, porous material, the tape is coated with high-quality polyacrylic of medical grade. The dressing is strong enough to hold to its place, and yet provides a gentle, painless removal.

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  • Clinipore Surgical Tape Clinipore Surgical Tape 5cm x 5m

    Clinipore Surgical Tape is a strong, yet tearable tape that conforms to body contour and is ideal for securing dressings on delicate and sensitive skin.

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Clinipore Surgical Tape easily moulds to body contours to secure the wounds and promote healing treatment even on the difficult areas. Made from hypoallergenic materials, the tape is safe to use on delicate or sensitive skin. It is porous to air and water vapour, making the tape extremely skin-friendly for both elderly and children.

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