Feel better sooner with our wide range of popular cough medicines cold and flu medicines. Whether you're looking for cold & flu caps, children's cough syrup or anything else cold related. We can help. As one of the UK's largest online chemists, we work with leading healthcare brands to provide our customers with the best cough and flu medicines to our customers. Check them out today!
show more show lessDust, ozone, UV light rays, wind, dry heat (e.g air conditioning), drafts, cosmetics, smoky atmospheres, TV or computer work can lead to dry-feeling eyes. Systane Lubricating Eye Drops can help to keep eyes looking and feeling great, providing immediate comfort and lasting relief.
26 reviews In Stock $14.00Systane Ultra UD Eye Drops is a daily treatment for dry eyes to relieve eye irriation and offer long last protection and relief. Suitable for contact lense users.
14 reviews Limited Stock $19.00Dust, ozone, UV light rays, wind, dry heat (e.g air conditioning), drafts, cosmetics, smoky atmospheres, TV or computer work can lead to dry-feeling eyes. Systane Lubricating Eye Drops can help to keep eyes looking and feeling great, providing immediate comfort and lasting relief.
23 reviews In Stock $13.00Suffering with coughs, cold & flu can be a miserable time. There is nothing worse than sitting around waiting for symptoms to clear up. What's worse is doing so watching day time TV...no-one's a winner!
At Chemist Direct we have a wide range of cough medicine including Covonia and Benylin, sore throat relief with Strepsils, general cold & flu relief with Beechams and even provide relief from nasal congestion with Sudafed & Olbas.
If however you decide that you have had enough of suffering with a cold throughout the year, consider taking a supplement daily like Vitamin C, Zinc or Sambucol to help boost your immune system when you need help most.